Oct 18, 2009

Ainsley's 3rd Birthday!

I've been sick. No H1N1 (that I know of), just a bad lingering cold that made me lose my voice and left me with a hacking cough. This is the same cold that gave Ainsley the ear infection. Steve has been working late every night in preparation for the game deadline so I haven't been able to rest like I should. As a result things have gone quickly from fairly well managed to totally out of control. The house is a mess, I've got papers piled up everywhere and laundry, laundry, laundry. I knew Ainsley would most enjoy being at home with her family for her birthday. I made Steve work late Saturday night so he could have Sunday off. He needs at least one day off after working all these 16 hour days. My intention was to just play with her all day. Unfortunately we were out of clothes and laundry had to be squeezed into the day. About 10 loads. I didn't sit all day. Of course I feel guilty. Luckily she was happy enough to play with her brother and sister.

She put the balls on the balance board for Adrian.

Like a good little sister she even tried to retrieve them from under the dresser.

The kids decorated the play-yard special just for Ainsley. They went to quite a lot of trouble. They are the best big brother and sister ever!

They are ingenious at using what resources they have at their disposal. They wrote Happy Birthday out of bristle blocks.

Did I ever mention Evie is an ace at tying things? Drives me crazy a lot of the time when I find things all knotted up. But the way they tied up all the play silks to decorate this huge chunk of plastic sure was cute. We got it recently to try to help teach Ainsley to walk (the intent is to pull up on it and cruise around it holding on to the top) and I sure will be glad when it's out of my living room.

I wish I knew what she was thinking.

Yes, I made her wear the birthday hat just for a minute.

We had a nice dinner. She always eats with us even though she doesn't eat. She plays with the food. Sometimes she "tastes" it. We combined celebrations. She was born at 11:27 PM just minutes from being born on the 19th which is Steve and I's wedding anniversary. It's 13 years this year (Yes we spent our 10th with a baby in the NICU.). So we toasted to Ainsley's birthday and our anniversary.

That crazy Evie. I had to share this photo. Is that the biggest "bite" you've ever seen?!

We blew bubbles for Ainsley and thought of our dear friend Tommy who was about Ainsley's age and also loved bubbles when he was alive.

We finally opened presents.

The kids each made their own special presents for her.

This was from Adrian. He made her a crown out of beads and gave her some of his treasures.

Evie worked for days on a special book titled "All You Need to Know About Ainsley's Life". It starts out.....Hi my name's Ainsley and my life is sweet. My favorit teether would probily be my favorit toy car.....then it goes on to say....My life isn't just fun its hard to. I have a trake to breth. .......If I could I would probly walk around the house all day yelling and laghfing.....It goes on for 6 pages talking all about what Ainsley likes and then it finishes by saying....Those things may be inportent but the most inportent thing about me is that I'm loved. (Sniff.) Seriously, I didn't help her at all and you can tell by the spelling.)

Ainsley needs some help to open her presents.

Oh I know what to do with this!

This is TOO BIG!

Help me. (Yes this is her "help" in sign language.) She is really starting to communicate.

Of course she hates the doll that I specially ordered for her (It can sit, stand and go in the water. You can even shampoo the hair.). She pushes it away and like a vulture Evie tries to swoop in and claim it as hers "since Ainsley doesn't like it". The doll is VERY cute!

Cake for the girl who doesn't eat.

Needs "help" to blow out the candles.

And still at age 3 thinks frosting is YUCK! - But now she's able to wipe it out of her mouth by herself. Maybe next year she'll enjoy the cake. But for now it was enough that she enjoyed her day.


  1. This is the best post I have ever seen, by far. You almost had me in tears!

  2. Susan you are a lovely family, and I can tell you have done a miraculous job raising your children as there is so much love they have and show for each other.

    Happy Birthday Ainsley Rae!

  3. Happy Birthday Miss Ainsley. I hope your day was blessed as you so clearly have been. What a wonderful blessing you are to your family, and they to you!
