Apr 9, 2010


It's so good to be home!

Although it's a little weird to have a wheelchair in the house. We'll adjust though. We always do. It might take some fine tuning, but it'll be okay. *Notice Adrian under the wheelchair?! And my sister Sheryl in the background? Thanks for your help Sheryl! What would we do without you?!

Despite the pain Ainsley really wanted to be on the floor with her brother and sister while they finished homework.  She's grown a little since we used the turtle chair the last time she had a spica cast. But we made it work. She actually smiled for a fleeting second when Steve put the basket of toys next to her. And she gathered the energy to throw a ball for awhile.

It was a little heartbreaking. She looked at me very purposefully at the end of the night and pointed quite clearly to her legs (with a true pointed finger no less) and signed open/off. She was really watching for my response in a way I don't usually see. I don't know that she can understand me but I explained all the reasons why she has to have it and said I am so sorry. I hope and pray, in her own way, she understands.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Susan that last little bit made me cry...freaking sucks!

    Giant hugs to you!
